Upon delivery, you may return your order within 90 days of receiving it for a refund or an exchange. The product(s) must be new and with their original packaging. If the product has been damaged, used (including skis that have been mounted) or has had the labels removed, it will not be possible to return it.
You are responsible for the return shipping cost.
If you wish to exchange an item, we encourage you to place a new order, as we cannot hold stock while an exchange is being processed.
When you want to return a product, make sure to put it back in the original packaging. Be careful when packing it to prevent any damage while it's on its way back to us.
NOTE: Please do not ship to shipper address until you have been given a return number and advised to do so. This is very important!
OUTSIDE OF USA RETURN: the return address is in the US and you are responsible for the shipping cost back to the US. Please confirm your size with our customer service to avoid extra return cost.
To kick off the returns process, follow the below instruction for product return:
- Send email titled: "Return Request:<your order number>", with the following information to info@seshsnow.com with the following information.
- Order number
- Delivery name
- Email address order confirmation was sent to
- Product(s) you wish to return/exchange
- Reason for return
- You will be given a return instruction.
- Once we receive your returned product refund will be processed.